Meet The King Of Upcycled Fashion


There are a ton of artists and fashion designers that utilizing upcycling but the true master of upcycled fashion is custom designer Peder Cho. The 29-year-old Los Angeles based designer is known as the upcycle king creating clothing and accessories upcycling common items into custom creations.

Cho was an accountant before discovering his true passion and quit his job in 2018 to pursue his dream. Over the last three years, Cho has grown a massive following for his videos detailing the creative journey of taking a common item and completely transforming it into something fashionable.

Cho has created some truly unique pieces including a robe made entirely of the purple felt Crown Royal bags, a face mask made from a boxed water bottle, and bags made snack packaging. Some of his best pieces are made from old luxury designers and transformed into something truly unique.

One of my personal favorite transformations of his is transforming an old Burberry tartan shirt into a pair of boardshorts incorporating the button-down section into the back panel of the shorts. Cho has shown is talent creating outfits, accessories, and has even dabbled in home décor pieces.

Cho recently created an entire head-to-toe outfit using reusable shopping totes from Target with a pair of pants, vest, bag, and bucket hat. Cho’s custom creations are truly one-of-a-kind as he accepts custom requests for customers on his Instagram page until he gained the attention of the biggest name in fashion, Vogue.

Cho was recently featured in a profile for Vogue magazine and since has released a new collection that will be temporarily available as he is no longer taking custom orders. It seems that Cho has a long list of custom requests following the buzz from being featured by Vogue. Cho is the prime example of an up and coming upcycle designer with limitless potential.