Pool Owners Kiss Chlorine Goodbye

Green Garden

Most pools require chemicals to keep the water clean, but the pandemic caused a shortage in pool supplies, including chlorine tabs leading more to consider having a natural pool. A natural pool is a greener alternative to a standard chlorinated swimming pool utilizing plants to filter the water instead of chemicals, according to Forbes.

Natural pools look more like ponds and less like swimming pools that can be a unique feature for your backyard that blends with the natural landscape. Having a natural pool is an excellent addition for backyards with a garden, but they require more room than traditional swimming pools.

Natural pools require a regeneration zone to house the filtration elements in the shallow end with crushed gravel, aquatic plants, pumps, and tubing to circulate the water for proper filtration. Featuring a natural pool will blend in your landscape with surrounding boulders and waterfalls.

A natural pool structure is different from traditional swimming pools requiring a complex system and added landscaping worth the finished product. Would you consider ditching the traditional swimming pool for a natural pool?