TerraCycle Is On A Mission To Eliminate Waste


Wouldn’t it be great if we were able to recycle all waste? This might seem impossible, but one company is tackling the idea of waste and offering various recycling programs.

TerraCycle is the mastermind behind the #RecycleEverything movement through their recycling program that seems limitless when one thinks about the concept of recycling. TerraCycle is completing this mission with its easy-to-use recycling platform for un-recyclable materials and the Loop sustainable shopping experience.

TerraCycle wants to eliminate waste and move consumers away from single-use packaging. To date, TerraCycle has served over 202 million people in 21 countries and has contributed $44 million to charities worldwide through the TerraCycle Global Foundation.

TerraCycle works on a broad spectrum of projects, including municipal programs, industrial waste solutions, regulated waste recycling, and offering services for eco-friendly events. TerraCycle works with household brands to provide a recycling program for specific brands and packaging, ensuring everything is properly processed.

You can check TerraCycle’s website to see which brands/products they support then. Once you’re finished with the product, you start the TerraCycle process. Consumers make a request on the website, collect the packing in a box for shipment, print the shipping label, and ship to TerraCycle, where they take care of the rest.

The best part about this recycling program is the reward program that gives you points for everything you’ve sent in to be recycled, and once you have enough points, you can redeem them for a reward. Points can be redeemed for a charitable contribution in partnership with a variety of charity organizations, including the option of donating to the organization or school of your choice.

TerraCycle also features their recently developed Loop program that provides reusable packaging for single-use products with various brands involved. The Loop model offers customers various products in refillable packaging that comes in a Loop delivery bag. When consumers are finished with their product, they refill the Loop bag with the empty packaging and organize UPS to pick up the delivery that is recycled through Loop.

TerraCycle doesn’t challenge the idea of disposable products but rather making disposable items recyclable and results in being recycled more. TerraCycle proves that the concept of cutting back waste isn’t a waste of time and will benefit a future with hopefully less waste.